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60th Anniversary


August 23rd, 2014


(To the Left)   Mayor Nat Robertson presents a City of Fayetteville Resolution recognizing the 60th Anniversary of the Cape Fear Valley Scottish Clans incorporation to President Don Stewart. Although there is documentation of a Scottish Society in Fayetteville dating back to at least 1914 (John A Oates, The History of Fayetteville)  the present organization was not formally incorporated by the North Carolina Secretary of State until the 23rd of August 1954.



(To the Right)   Major Bruce Daws, Commander, Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, presents a resolution to Donald McNeill Stewart "left", President of the Cape Fear Valley Scottish Clans, on the 60th Anniversary of their official recognition by the State of North Carolina.  The resolution is being read by Capitan Hosea Ray, Adjutant.The FILI and CFVSC share the same annual incorporation date of 23 August as one of the many ties between the two organizations.



(To the Right)   Members of the Cape Fear Valley Scottish Clans follow their piper and the Saltire as they process down Cool Spring Street to the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry's Parade Grounds, 23 August 2014.

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